11 Weird Tales

I’m proud to announce the release of my latest project– 11 Weird, short tales written and read by yours truly. It’s a gorgeous, 11 track audiobook weighing in at just under an hour in length and filled with tales so strange and horrible they’re sure to make your toes curl.

The complete track listing:

1. The Children of the Indigai
2. Not in the Military, Son
3. In His Image
4. Shadow Over Grainfield
5. Izanami
6. L’Thauun
7. Our Own Hell
8. Mandatory Volunteerism
9. Gender Revolution
10. Uncle Jimmy’s Shotgun
11. Night Before Zombiemas

You can listen to the first track for free here:

Children Of The Indigai by ESWynn

Want more?
You can get the entire CD in all its stygian glory for $8.99 here:

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