From now until October 31st, 2011, Thunderune Publishing is having a "pay-what-you-want" blowout sale! Here's how it works:

  1. Pick a book from the list at my publishing company that you would like to read (click here)
  2. Click the "Donate" button below and enter any amount that you would like to pay
  3. Include the name of the book you'd like to read so I can email it to you. All books are sent in Adobe Acrobat PDF (unless otherwise specified to be sent as .lit, .EPUB or Kindle format.)*

* The Mars Manuscripts, Steam Wars, The Cygnus War ITSG and URR: Planets are too large to send and, if requested, your donation will be refunded. Sorry! :)

Donations: 9
Current Average Donation: $11.11
Raise the average and get five books instead of one!

Thank you!

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