New Formats!

Books by E.S. Wynn: 
(Now available in EPUB, MOBI and LIT!)
Visit the Critters Store! (click and scroll down)

50% of all purchases made through these links go to supporting Critters Writers Workshop! It's a great cause, so pick up your copies there today!

More books (and formats!) to come!
If there's a particular book or a (particular format) that you'd like to see made available as soon as possible, drop me a line on my contact page.

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It's True

Haiku Blog

Maintained by friend and fellow writer Richard Cody, Notes From A Life In Progress is an awesome little haiku blog that definitely deserves your attention. Check it out, and tell 'em E.S. Wynn sent ya!

Notes From A Life In Progress

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Jonesing to get your hands on E.S. Wynn's groundbreaking "Lightning Novel" but don't want to shell out the cash until you know what the hype is all about? Make a stop on over at Feedbooks, where Thunderune Publishing is offering just enough of the book to get you hooked-- available in EPUB, PDF and other popular formats, for FREE. Check it out, and witness this new sensation for yourself!

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New Wood Art!


Mixing genre fiction (Realism, Romance, Horror, Noir, Sci-Fi, etc.) with a literary, experimental style, MIXER is an exciting new project brought to you by a number of seasoned professionals in the industry, including FLATMANCROOKED's Steve Owen and Thunderune Publishing's E.S. Wynn. Check out the site here, or jump right to the Submission Guidelines by clicking here

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Would it?

Isn't it?

The Future


You do!

You Decide


My mind is full of ideas. Like a machine, it runs and runs, a powerful, pistoning generator of everything from books and stories to classes and workshops. Below you will find a listing of all the websites I maintain, all the places you can find my work on the internet, and all the products I have produced currently available through Thunderune Publishing.

Click here for a list of publication credits (short stories and articles)

Thunderune Publishing
The main page for my publishing company and my ever-expanding network of websites.


The Cygnus War
Free science fiction series with over 150 episodes available online.
Leaves of Ink Poetry
Leaves of Ink: get your daily dose of poetry!
Yesteryear Daily Fiction
Yesteryear Fiction
Free weekly site providing fantasy flash fiction and classic fantasy
Weirdyear Daily Fiction
Weirdyear Flash Fiction
Free weekly site providing experimental and literary flash fiction

Smashed Cat Magazine
Smashed Cat Magazine
Free weekly site providing bizarre and experimental flash-length fiction.

Farther Stars Than These
Farther Stars Than These
Free weekly site providing flash-length science fiction.

Linguistic Erosion Magazine
"Flash fiction without boundaries"
Free flash fiction.

Classics that don't suck!
Educational resource site providing "Classics that don't suck"
Art expressed communally.
Fractal Novels
Community written "novels" that branch out through time, space and even other dimensions!

Catalog of stock photography by E.S. Wynn
Resource for spiritual eclectics and independents.
Chaos Grimoire
Online, community contributed resource for shamans and other pagans.
Pyrography on reclaimed wood
Wynn Originals (Wynnwoods)
Website of original pyrographic art by E.S. Wynn

Von Singer Aether and Steamworks.
Von Singer Aether & Steamworks
Photoblog of Steampunk and other sci-fi /military fiction.
artists featured weekly
Weekly Artist
A place for new and established artists to be seen!

 The Luminopticon
A codex of the experiences, questions and points of interest that arise from research into the inner mind and spirituality by do-it-yourself experimentation.

 (NSFW) Magazine of adult fiction

Find me on:

Click here for a list of publication credits (short stories and articles)

Poetry Contest!

Click for full view (details)

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Thunderune Publishing eBooks are now available on Scribd!

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URR: Planets!

Ever needed a world, and fast? Universal Roleplaying Resource: Planets has got you covered. With over 100 unique worlds certain to be a hit with players and game masters/referees alike, this book is the only resource you’ll ever need when it comes to populating the universe of any game setting! Each sheet is easy to remove and isolate for referee use (or for use as player handouts) with plenty of room for your own notes and details!

What is a URR book? 
While most source books and game manuals are designed to augment only a single game system, Thunderune URR (Universal Roleplaying Resource) books are designed to work with the system you want to use, whether it be a widely supported commercial system or your own indie homebrew!

Get it now:

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A World of Good

Want to get your hands on a copy of my latest novel MINERVA (check it out) for about three cents and help the world toward a better future? Here's the trick:

1. Check out Bitcoin (There's a video there too which explains what Bitcoin is and why it's awesome.

2. Get your Bitcoin Payment Address through the program (or through MyBitcoin, which seems to be easier.)

3. Make a visit to The Bitcoin Faucet or buy some Bitcoins from a market site (like these)

4. Once you've got at least .03 Bitcoins (Bitcoin Faucet gives you .05!) go to the page where you can get your copy of MINERVA (right here.)

5. Once payment goes through, you should be able to download your book! (If you used Bitcoin Faucet, the book is free! Wahoo!)

How does this help the world toward a better future? Check out this awesome article to find out! :)

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The Secret:

No Limits!


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