Pink Poet #1
The Beard of Von Horowictz
By E.S. Wynn
“Blitz!” Screams the baker, but the candlemaker doesn’t hear her, doesn’t understand the words that flow from her babbering mouth like so much chopped salad. Babies in their cribs at night carve labyrinths of dark smudge and greasepaint into the sloping ceilings of their minds, explode new buildings meant to be toppled in the growth that comes with each shallow, ocean-surf breath. In the night, they dream of the beard of Von Horowictz, gentle eyes following the list and sway of his graying tips like succored flies. The old man doesn’t speak; his mouth is a mask of leather and crime, stitched through and sealed as much by age as tears. When he looks into their eyes, he sees into the slipstream of fate and time, weaves destinies for each and each alone with the greasepaint labyrinth stirrings of his own babbering mind.
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The Mars Manuscripts
What if everything you knew about the space program was wrong? What if mankind had set foot on Mars long before the first unmanned probes reached it? What if our solar system was full of intelligent life, humans just like us, only far, far more advanced? The Mars Manuscripts presents the might-be history of America’s black-project involvement on Mars in an artistic, found document masterpiece that will leave you wondering, imagining, and watching the skies just a little more closely at night.
![]() | The Mars Manuscripts (book)Print: $24.95 Download: $9.95 What if everything you knew about the space program was wrong? What if mankind had set foot on Mars long before the first unmanned probes reached it? What if our solar system was full of intelligent life, humans just like us, only far, far more advanced? The Mars Manuscripts presents the might-be history of America’s black-project involvement on Mars in an artistic, found document masterpiece that will leave you wondering, imagining, and watching the skies just a little more closely at night. |
Here's a sample of some of the documents you will find in The Mars Manuscripts:
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Posted by
E.S. Wynn
on Saturday, January 29, 2011
Comments: (0)

Writers wanted! Yesteryear Fiction wants to read what you have written! If its fantasy, involves magic (real or fictional) dragons, swords, anything, send it in! Give us a try today!
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Just for fun
1. Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2. Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first ...album. ...
3. Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days” Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5. Post it with this text in the "caption" and leave a comment with a link to your "album cover."
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New Interview!
Posted by
E.S. Wynn
on Thursday, January 27, 2011
Comments: (0)
I was recently interviewed by David Backer's Zine Scene in regards to literature, literary journals, publishing, and the future of art. Check it out, read his analysis and tell your friends! Even if you're not a writer, you owe it to yourself to check this one out!
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Free Book!

This is the complete first half of author E.S. Wynn's Internationally acclaimed breakout novel: Pink Carbide. (To order the full novel or any of its sequels, visit
It is 2162.
In the dark underworld of Los Angeles, Cylea is targeted by unknown forces within the shadowy depths of global corporate government. Safety is scarce and running is the rule, but each brush with death builds new layers of strength within her, yielding new clues and new mysteries as she fights to uncover a deep-rooted secret unlike any other in the history of the human race, centered around the last person she'd ever expect.
Weekly Artist
Author E.S. Wynn's pet project Weekly Artist offers free publicity and major exposure to musicians, writers, painters, sculptors and creative people from all walks of life and at all levels of professional experience. In the fast paced world of the internet age, being seen is the key to being a successful artist, and being featured at Weekly Artist is a great way to be seen!
Interested? Click the image below and check out the site for yourself!

Interested? Click the image below and check out the site for yourself!

The Workbook!

In your hands, you hold something miraculous.
This is more than just a workbook or a journal– it is a compendium of thought and philosophy for you to write in. It is your future, your past and your present all wrapped up into one grand, unassailable epic built to weather the ages and stand the test of time. It’s the world’s greatest novel in natus, it’s the key to your imagination, the doorway of fate where you leave your whispers and read what others have written in passing. It is a prayer book for every creed’s existence, a seven hundred page embryonic hymn of creativity designed to call forth the muses as you carry it with you like your own tablet of truth and pave your own way to your own vision of the world as it truly should be.
Featuring over 700 pages of diverse artistic, philosophical, scientific and other interesting and assorted musings, poetry, stories and prompts specifically designed to get you writing right now and right in the pages of this book, A Modern Creative Writer’s Workbook gives you everything you need, whether you are a hardened pro or just starting out on your writing path. Perfect for all writers of all ages, regardless of style or genre. This is definitely your workbook.
Pick up your copy here.
Try this

Rune Bombs

Beyond Oblivion

"A collection of terrifyingly beautiful prose poetry and flash fiction that takes the reader on a journey of the mind and soul, Beyond Oblivion forces us to ask ourselves- - is this really all there is, and if so, what does that mean? It is the stirring movement of one mind in the liminal realms between science and spirituality, between feelings, visions, parapsychology and atheism that finds some common ground within all of them that hints at the spiritual/physical workings of life, the universe, and art."
Get it now! (click here)
The Manual To Have

Almost one year ago, I released the monstrosity that is A Modern Creative Writer’s Workbook. At 708 pages, it’s intensive, a commitment in paper and ink that can be daunting to pick up and page through.
That’s where this book comes in– think of it as a “light” version of the larger book. It’s smaller, easier to carry, less expensive and the only difference is that you have to break out your own paper when it comes to writing. I prefer to use my own paper when I write anyhow.
Both books utilize an approach within the “modern” context of writing as it evolves over and through the digital medium into its eventual future as opposed to working to further the archaic and overdone forms which, while useful in their own right, haunt and pull at the heels of our modern writing like so many forgotten ghosts clustered in haughty bookshelves. Words are a medium for meaning. Whether or not they follow a specific prescribed set of arcane rules is immaterial. What matters is the feeling within the words, the way a writer uses the paints of his or her vocabulary to craft a masterpiece of ink and paper that blossoms in the mind with all the colors and sound of a traffic jam in a field of wildflowers.
The modern writer has to be everything. You have to be the diplomat between ideologies and words, the interdimensional painter who breathes light into papyrus with musical notes and the knowledge of strains and refrains. You have to be the teacher and the student, all within the same poem or story, and you have to do it through the eyes of every culture, ethnicity and as yet non-existent viewpoint. It isn’t easy, but it isn’t hard either. Like anything, it just takes practice, and that’s exactly what this book is meant to give you. Lots and lots of powerful and meaningful practice in making true, boundless art.
The prompts in this book come in all shapes, sizes, lengths and formats to give you the maximal amount of leeway and possibility for creative expression. Many of them may seem disturbingly vague; some are even just a collection of words and phrases. That’s intentional. The idea is to get you thinking and creative while allowing you the maximum amount of room possible to create something truly unique, instead of just another machine-molded workshop piece. Most of these prompts are specifically designed to have multiple meanings and to mean as much (or as little) as you want them to mean. Your imagination is the key to your reality. Discard all limits and craft your way to the ends of the sky and back.
And remember– the electric age ushers in shorter and shorter attention spans and, like any other artist, we as writers must adapt. Rules are meant to be broken. Every word is sacred. Thus ends my introduction. Short and realistically sweet.
Get the book here.
Rune Sets

Want to know how to make your own rune sets using the art of pyrography? Check out my tutorial by clicking through the image above.
Complete Cygnus War

Not familiar with The Cygnus War? You can read most of the series online (for free) at !
From the back cover:
It is the dawn of the twenty-third century.
Space has been good to the pioneering men and women of the Terran Commonwealth, but in spreading out among the stars and fledgling colonies, mankind has become a rich target for the enigmatic and predatory Cygnan Coralate, a swarm-like civilization that acts with all the cohesion and decisiveness of a single entity.
But humanity is not defenseless– filling the skies with swarms of its own ships, the Earthside Government has drawn a line in the intergalactic sand. At the forefront of the fighting is the Terran Warship Von der Tann IV, home to the legendary semi-atmospheric fighter wing, Minerva Squadron. Follow their struggle for survival as they battle the Cygnan Coralate across the interstellar killing field, blast enemy rigs out of alien skies and plunge headfirst into the unknown in this gripping saga of three women and their struggle to love, to live and to hang on to their humanity in a time when the only thing left for the human race is to fight or be forgotten. Who will live and who will die in the cold, cruel vacuum of space? Only time will tell.
Thrilling squadrons of fans from all over the globe since 2005, The Cygnus War is a story that looks at love, war, and what makes us human in the wake of an interstellar war with the Cygnan Coralate, a shadowy enemy bent on nothing less than the total and complete annihilation of humanity itself.
Order your copy today! Click here.
Wal Mart
Just yesterday I ran across this powerful insider expose' on the bad business practices of WalMart. Check it out, spread the word, and put in your two cents.
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Weekly Artist
Posted by
E.S. Wynn
on Thursday, January 6, 2011
Comments: (0)
Author E.S. Wynn's pet project Weekly Artist offers free publicity and major exposure to musicians, writers, painters, sculptors and creative people from all walks of life and at all levels of professional experience. In the fast paced world of the internet age, being seen is the key to being a successful artist, and being featured at Weekly Artist is a great way to be seen!
Interested? Click the image below and check out the site for yourself!

Interested? Click the image below and check out the site for yourself!

Simple Etchings

Want to learn how to make simple woodburn etchings like these? Check out my tutorial on The Art of Pyrography and get burning!
Posted by
E.S. Wynn
on Sunday, January 2, 2011
Comments: (0)

It's that time again! Weirdyear, the internet's only daily short and flash fiction experimental / weird / literary / surrealist / absurdist / irrealist themed journal is looking for new submissions! Send us those pieces you've been hanging on to or write something brand spankin' new and spike it off us! At the very least, it's free publicity!
Don't wait-- show us what you’ve got! Check us out, tell your friends, and get those stories in!
Don't wait-- show us what you’ve got! Check us out, tell your friends, and get those stories in!
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