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101 ways to get people interested in your website!

It happens to all website owners at some point. You sit down at your computer and stare at the screen, wondering how you can get more people to look at your website, check out your wares or even just give you a chance to wow them. It’s a common plight, and the internet is full of short lists that give a few loose ways to promote your stuff, but they’re almost all universally the same tips, all linking to different services that are going to cost you. This list offers 101 unique ways to grow the number of relevant hits you receive, and they work! If it wasn’t for these hard-earned, self-taught tips, I wouldn’t be the money-making author/blogger I am today!

Read the rest of the article here.

New Art!

Demon 1: The first of a series of demons I'm burning into wood. Enjoy! :D

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